Azure Databricks – Not your average LEGO

What is Azure Databricks?

Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based big data analytics service designed for analytics, business intelligence (BI), data science and data engineering.

Let’s have a look at how reservations work for this service!

The reservation options are based on Discount tier and Term:

With Azure Databricks, you purchase Azure Databricks Commit Units or DBCU‘s that can be used anytime during the specified term (One Year or Three Years).

This is similar to a prepaid Visa/Mastercard gift card, which you can use till the balance reaches zero (though with DBCU, they do expire after One or Three Years depending on the term).

DBCUs are automatically deducted when used.

Note that this particular reservation only applies to the Databricks Unit component of the service.

You can reserve the virtual machines separately:

Here are the available discounts!

One Year term option:

  • 25,000 DBCUs – One Year – 6%
  • 50,000 DBCUs – One Year – 8%
  • 100,000 DBCUs – One Year – 11%
  • 200,000 DBCUs – One Year – 14%
  • 350,000 DBCUs – One Year – 18%
  • 500,000 DBCUs – One Year – 20%
  • 750,000 DBCUs – One Year – 23%
  • 1 Million DBCUs – One Year- 27%
  • 1.5 Million DBCUs – One Year – 30%
  • 2 Million DBCUs – One Year – 33%

Three Years term option:

  • 75,000 DBCUs – Three Years – 8%
  • 150,000 DBCUs – Three Years – 10%
  • 300,000 DBCUs – Three Years – 13%
  • 600,000 DBCUs – Three Years – 16%
  • 1.05 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 22%
  • 1.5 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 24%
  • 2.25 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 27%
  • 3 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 31%
  • 4.5 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 34%
  • 6 Million DBCUs – Three Years – 37%

There are DBU application ratios to consider depending on which workload or tier you select; you can find more information about that over here: