Azure Synapse Analytics Pre-purchase plan

What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

Azure Synapse Analytics is an analytics service that integrates data, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics.

It allows users to ingest, transform, and consume data at scale.

Let’s have a look at the available discounts!

The only available term is One Year and there are currently six available Discount tiers of different SCUs (Azure Synapse Commit Units).

Any Azure Synapse Analytics use deducts from pre-purchased SCUs automatically.

The discounts that are derived from SCUs can be applied against the following products:

  • Azure Synapse Analytics Dedicated SQL Pool
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Managed VNET
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Pipelines
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Pool
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless Apache Spark Pool – Memory Optimized
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Data Flow – Basic
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Data Flow – Standard

Here are the available discount (discount compared to Retail Pay-As-You-Go):

  • 5,000 SCUs – 6%
  • 10,000 SCUs – 8%
  • 24,000 SCUs – 11%
  • 60,000 SCUs – 16%
  • 150,000 SCUs – 22%
  • 360,000 SCUs – 28%

SCUs are equivalent to $ value and is deducted on retail prices.

As an example, the 5,000 SCUs discount tier is equivalent to $5,000 of Azure Synapse Analytics spend (at the Retail rate), but you get to buy those 5,000 SCUs for $4,700 (with a 6% discount).

Note that if you are receiving discounts on Azure, the lower discount tiers may not be worth it (if your discount is larger than the discount tier, you’ll end up paying more!).