Azure Cosmos DB reservations

What is Azure Cosmos DB?

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service that is schema-agnostic and horizontally scalable.

Cosmos DB provides several benefits such as global distribution, low latency, high throughput and reliability.

It supports several APIs including MongoDB, Cassandra, SQL, Gremlin, PostgreSQL and Azure Table Storage.

Its databases can be configured to be available in any of the Microsoft Azure regions.

Cosmos DB databases can also be configured to have its data replicated to multiple regions.

Let’s have a look at the available discounts!

A Cosmos DB reservation should be based on how many RU/s (Request Units / second) are provisioned on an hourly basis.

A RU is a measurement of how much computational power is needed to serve a request.

Request Units take the following into consideration:

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • IOPS (Storage)

For example, a simple read request is going to require fewer RUs than a “complex” mathematical query based on unindexed fields.

  • Read – 1 RUs
  • Create – 5 RUs
  • Delete – 5 RUs
  • Update – 10 RUs
  • If Availability Zones are used, then the RUs are multiplied by a factor of 1.25x

The more efficient the query is, the more cost-efficient it will be to run.

There are two types of reservations:

  • Single-region write  – the Reservation Capacity Units  are referred to as “5,000 RU/s” as an example.
  • Multi-region write (formerly called Multi-master) distributed across multiple regions – the Reservation Capacity Units are referred to as “5,000 Multi-master RU/s” as an example.

Multi-region write (formerly called Multi-master) are 2x more expensive than Single-region write.

As an example, let’s say that you spend $100.00 per month in a single-region write configuration.

If you decide to add a secondary region, the price would double (from $100.00 to $200.00) and then you also need to pay for the second region (another $200.00); making it a total of $400.00 per month.

Depending on your requirements, the Availability Zone option ($125.00 per month) could be a bargain!

Note that at a Cosmos DB database level, you can allocate either Dedicated Throughput (where containers get dedicated throughput) or Shared Throughput (where up to 25 containers within the database can share throughput).

A Cosmos DB reservation has the standard Shared (across the Azure enrollment), Management Group, Subscription and Resource Group scope options.

Here are the available discount (discount compared to Retail Pay-As-You-Go):

5,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

5,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 25%

5,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

5,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

10,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

10,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 25%

10,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

10,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

20,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

20,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 25%

20,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

20,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

30,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

30,000 RU/s – Three Year term –  25%

30,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

30,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

40,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

40,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 25%

40,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

40,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

50,000 RU/s – One Year term – 15%

50,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 25%

50,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 20%

50,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

60,000 RU/s – One Year term – 17%

60,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 27%

60,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 22%

60,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term  – 32%

70,000 RU/s – One Year term – 19%

70,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 29%

70,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 24%

70,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term   – 34%

80,000 RU/s – One Year term – 19%

80,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 29%

80,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 24%

80,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 34%

90,000 RU/s – One Year term – 20%

90,000 RU/s – Three Year term –  30%

90,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 25%

90,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 35%

100,000 RU/s – One Year term – 20%

100,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

100,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 25%

100,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 35%

120,000 RU/s – One Year term – 21%

120,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

120,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 26%

120,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 36

130,000 RU/s – One Year term – 22%

130,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

130,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term 27%

130,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 37%

140,000 RU/s – One Year term – 22%

140,000 RU/s – Three Year term –  30%

140,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term 27%

140,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 37%

150,000 RU/s – One Year term – 22%

150,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 30%

150,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 27%

150,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 37%

200,000 RU/s – One Year term – 23%

200,000 RU/s – Three Year term –  31%

200,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 28%

200,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 38%

300,000 RU/s – One Year term – 24%

300,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 32%

300,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 29%

300,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 39%

400,000 RU/s – One Year term – 25%

400,000 RU/s – Three Year term –  33%

400,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 30%

400,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 40%

500,000 RU/s – One Year term – 25%

500,000 RU/s – Three Year term – 33%

500,000 Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 30%

500,000 Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 40%

1 Million RU/s – One Year term – 29%

1 Million RU/s – Three Year term – 37%

1 Million Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 34%

1 Million Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 44%

2 Million RU/s – One Year term – 30%

2 Million RU/s – Three Year term – 38%

2 Million Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 35%

2 Million Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 45%

3 Million RU/s – One Year term – 31%

3 Million RU/s – Three Year term – 39%

3 Million Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 36%

3 Million Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 46%

5 Million RU/s – One Year term – 39%

5 Million RU/s – Three Year term – 47%

5 Million Multi-master RU/s – One Year term – 44%

5 Million Multi-master RU/s – Three Year term – 54%

There we have it, definitely worth looking at reservations for this service!