Azure Reservations vs. Azure Savings Plan for Compute: Which Option Is Right for Your Business?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, managing costs efficiently is paramount for businesses leveraging Microsoft Azure. Two prominent options for cost optimization in Azure are Azure Reservations and the Azure Savings Plan for Compute. Both offer substantial discounts over pay-as-you-go pricing but differ in terms of flexibility, scope, and ideal use cases. This blog post delves into the benefits of each and provides guidance on when to choose one over the other.

Understanding Azure Reservations

Azure Reservations allow you to pre-purchase Azure resources for a one- or three-year term, committing to use specific services in exchange for significant discounts. These reservations apply to particular resources like Virtual Machines (VMs), SQL Databases, and more.

Benefits of Azure Reservations:

  1. Significant Cost Savings: Enjoy discounts of up to 72% compared to pay-as-you-go rates, making it highly cost-effective for consistent workloads.
  2. Price Stability: Lock in prices for the duration of your reservation term, shielding your budget from potential price increases.
  3. Predictable Expenditure: Fixed costs simplify budgeting and forecasting, providing financial predictability.
  4. Resource Specificity: Tailor reservations to specific VMs, databases, or other resources with steady usage patterns.

When to Use Azure Reservations:

  • Stable Workloads: Ideal for applications and services with predictable, continuous usage, such as production environments running 24/7.
  • Long-Term Planning: Suitable when you can confidently forecast resource needs for the next one to three years.
  • Maximum Savings: Opt for reservations when seeking the highest possible discount on specific resources.

Exploring Azure Savings Plan for Compute

The Azure Savings Plan for Compute offers a flexible pricing model that provides discounted rates across various compute services when you commit to a consistent hourly spend over one or three years. Unlike reservations, this plan is not tied to specific resource types, sizes, or regions.

Importantly, the Savings Plan extends beyond VMs to include services like Azure App Service, Azure Functions, and other compute resources. This broad applicability makes it an attractive option for organizations utilizing a mix of compute services.

Benefits of Azure Savings Plan for Compute:

  1. Flexibility Across Services: Applies to a wide range of compute options, including VMs, containers, App Service, and serverless computing like Azure Functions.
  2. Regional Freedom: Discounts are applicable across different regions, supporting global operations without additional costs.
  3. Adaptable to Workload Changes: Accommodates fluctuating usage patterns, making it suitable for dynamic scaling needs.
  4. Significant Discounts: Offers up to 65% savings compared to pay-as-you-go pricing, providing substantial cost reductions.

When to Use Azure Savings Plan for Compute:

  • Variable Workloads: Best for applications with unpredictable or spiky usage patterns that require flexibility.
  • Diverse Compute Needs: Ideal when using a combination of compute services, such as App Service and serverless functions, across multiple regions.
  • Scalability Requirements: Choose this plan if you anticipate changes in resource types, sizes, or geographic deployment over time.

Key Differences Between Azure Reservations and Azure Savings Plan for Compute

FeatureAzure ReservationsAzure Savings Plan for Compute
CommitmentSpecific resource types, sizes, and regionsMonetary commitment towards compute spend, flexible across services and regions
Term Length1 or 3 years1 or 3 years
FlexibilityLimited to reserved resourcesHigh flexibility across compute services and regions
Applicable ServicesSpecific resources like VMs, SQL DatabasesBroad compute services including VMs, App Service, Azure Functions, and more
Maximum DiscountUp to 72%Up to 65%
Best ForPredictable, steady-state workloadsDynamic, variable workloads with changing resource needs

Decision Guide: Choosing the Right Option

Opt for Azure Reservations if:

  • Predictable Usage: Your workloads are consistent, and you can accurately predict resource utilization.
  • Specific Resource Commitment: You are willing to commit to particular resource types and configurations.
  • Highest Possible Savings: Maximizing discounts on specific, long-term resources is a priority.

Choose Azure Savings Plan for Compute if:

  • Need for Flexibility: Your workloads vary in type, size, or region, and you require the ability to adjust resources without penalty.
  • Broad Service Utilization: You use a mix of compute services like App Service and Azure Functions.
  • Uncertain Future Needs: You prefer not to be locked into specific resources due to evolving business requirements.


Both Azure Reservations and the Azure Savings Plan for Compute offer valuable opportunities to reduce cloud spending, but the best choice depends on your organization’s specific needs and workload patterns. Reservations provide the deepest discounts for predictable, unchanging workloads, while the Savings Plan offers flexibility for dynamic environments utilizing a variety of compute services.

By carefully assessing your current and future compute usage, you can select the option that aligns with your operational requirements and financial objectives.